Time's on His Side 

~愛想笑いと同じくらいに 不器用なまま愛を探してた~ 

A star named Masa


说实话,我以前觉得OZ choreographer McKneely这情诗肉麻的连Masa吹都没眼看。或许是因为语言翻译夸大?不过试着粗略脑内还原英语,At times we would name a star, I knew a star like this, I called him Masa..... 不,日文还是比较含蓄的..... 虽然他是真的是star, 然而这首情诗是写在05年OZ本番前哦? 如果那是06、08再演还能理解。这位真的不是对某人抱着「特殊」感情吗?认真怀疑过。🙊🙊🙊



He may never appeared to be the brightest star in the sky, but his humble glimmers keep shining on our darkest and longest nights